psu architecture 282 design studio

Welcome to the online studio report for Architecture 282, the spring quarter second-year undergraduate design studio at Portland State University's department of Architecture. As our focus for the term is the investigation of community and collective experience, we recognize the importance of communication and shared information in fostering these themes. Hence, our new digital community--this blog.

Our non-virtual exploration seeks to imagine a community of dwellings and businesses in a dense and ever-changing neighborhood close to the urban core of Portland Oregon.

We are students of architecture, not developers. So over the next two months we'll be looking at the 'Portland Dense Housing' issue through a slightly different lens than what is normal out there under the construction cranes.

We will form our own design community, and will ultimately collaborate on a single 'development' to take place on the corner of north Mississippi ave. and north Fremont st. Instead of focusing on the developer-driven priorities of profitability and product marketing, we will base our work on often overlooked values--such as domestic ritual, collective social arrangement, the psychology of materials, and the physical, social, and phenomenological patterns of the surrounding neighborhood.

Yes, this project is purely hypothetical, but by exploring these priorities, we aim to delve much deeper than issues of mere 'style', 'image', or 'performance' in proposing an ideal by which future development may be judged.

Please visit this blog often and feel free to comment, as things are taking shape rather quickly as I write. We'll make sure to post all of our research and progress designs as this exciting project develops.

-your humble scribe,
Garrett Martin

Friday, May 2, 2008


Alert! This just in: it has been decreed by atmospheric fiat that the entire ground floor at street level must be devoted to public and/or commercial activities. This means that a mere 30,000 square feet are available for the purposes of dwelling and any collective spaces for use only by the residents. How can a balance between these uses and the imagined individual dwellings take a physical shape? How can these priorities negotiate with the values of open space, sunlight, and neighborhood responsibility?


'Mississippi Rose'
(Kai Pannu Sergey Marandyuk, Zephyr Anthony)

Vertical Horizon

Looking SOUTH: (downtown portland)

WEST PERSPECTIVE: ('mississippi rose')

Team C (Ian Coltman, Calder Erwin, Johnny Karam, Wendy Fan):
Ian and Calder: 'The Cooling Towers'
Wendy and Johnny: 'Mount Mississippi'

Team B (Brittany Teeter, Jeff Su, Frank Gonzalez):
The 'pistol'

The 'hanging gardens'

ASSIGNED: Monday, 28 April
DUE: Wednesday, 07 May


1. Monday-Wednesday: each team is to propose two massing "gestures" for the site, based on the following criteria:

• 15,000 square feet at the street level must be devoted to public and / or commercial use.

• 30,000 square feet above the street level must be devoted to residential use.

• Approximately 30% of the maximum volume of the cube measuring 100' x 150' x 65' high must be open. Some portion of this open space must extend from the 'roof' of the volume to the 'ground' or below; some portion of this open space must extend from one 'wall' of the volume to another, across the volume.

• Use all the background research compiled in the last two weeks as a basis for your design decisions.

• Each massing gesture must be made from white museum board or some other pale rigid boardstock which will contrast with the site model materials.

• Each massing gesture must be built to 1/16" = 1'-0" scale, and must fit into the site model.

• Each massing gesture must have a name.

2. Wednesday - Monday: each team must decide on two aggregations of the individual 'houses' proposed for assignment 05. Each aggregation must include a combination of all the user groups accommodated for (single occupant, extension, etc.)
• These aggregations may include any combination of the user groups, as long as all are represented, and there is a compelling reason for the balance of use.
• Residential shared spaces may be included.

• These aggregations must not exceed a total of 30,000 square feet.

• These aggregations must be derived from two sources:

• The priorities for adjacency and open space determined for each in assignment 05

• The massing 'gesture' developed in part 1 of this assignment, including accommodations for open space.

• These aggregations must be accompanied by a space-planned and programmed proposal for the 15,000 square feet of public/commercial space at the street level.

• These aggregations must be presented as color-coded plans and sections at 1/8" = 1-0", true to the scale and topography of the site. The presentation may be 'rough' or 'sketchy' as long as it is accurate and comprehensive.

3. Monday - Wednesday: each team is to make improvements on the previous diagrams and massing gestures, and present a single diagrammatic scheme for the mid-term review / charrette. Each scheme must be presented as the following:

• A name.

• A massing gesture (model) at 1/16" = 1'-0" scale, to fit into the site model

• One 24x36 presentation board consisting of:

• A color-coded site plan (to-scale) multiple plans will most likely be needed, for multiple levels.

• A color-coded site section, at the same scale as the plan. (minimum 1, possibly 2)
• One photo-collage (minimum) visualizing the massing model into a photo of the site. Best views are up and/or down n. Mississippi. Ave.

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